Concrete Pumping in Wagga

Did you know that Milne Concrete Pumping is happy to travel almost anywhere? We are based in Nowra, but we travel all up and down the South Coast and further afield. Recently we have completed concreting projects in Wollongong, Batemans Bay, Canberra, Nowra and Wagga. Here are a couple of videos from a  job we recently completed in Wagga.

Our Professional Concreting Services

Whether you need residential or commercial concreting services, we do it all. Just some of our services include new driveways, footpaths, commercial slabs, new home slabs and industrial sites. We also have extensive experience working with a range of decorative finishes. Get in touch to find out more about our services. We are happy to quote on any job, whether it’s a new residential driveway or a large housing development. Here’s another couple of videos from some recent jobs with happy clients.